Hemp jewelry making, Etsy shops, and writing on a summer weekend.

For Mother’s day, I had my preschoolers make fingerprint pendants with clay and then string assorted glass beads on hemp thread tied to the pendants. For that project, I pulled out a shoebox tote of my hemp jewelry making supplies that I’d amassed when I worked at a bead shop a few years ago. Ever since then, in the back of my mind, I’ve been itching to make some hemp jewelry again. So last night I pulled that tote out again and made a bracelet. I finished it in about a half hour! Then I started a necklace. It was so weird and nice to start and finish a project in one sitting. That doesn’t often happen with knitting.

Also in my tote of hemp jewelry supplies is a bag of necklaces and bracelets I made and once had up on Etsy to sell. I looked at them wistfully as I remembered my first Etsy shop. Last year, I turned that shop into Squirrel Seeds, a shop just for seed beads. The advice I saw everywhere was to have your shop focus on just one thing. And that seems logical enough, until I tried and failed to start three separate shops with different types of items, and struggled to have enough stock to make the shops worth it. So last night I thought, why not put all of my things in one shop? Seed beads, jewelry, knitted items, and patterns? Maybe a more eclectic shop that more reflected my interests would be more sustainable for me and end up with a following of its own? So I may try it. It sure beats letting my shop lapse simply because of lack of time to maintain three different shops.

Photo Jun 08, 6 39 44 PMNow it’s time for today’s writing. Instead of writing in the morning, like I usually do, I opted to get some gardening done. It ended up taking most of the day, because I had to stop and rest so often (because pregnant and it’s hot outside). But I managed to weed and turn the garden soil (with Chris’s help), and plant tomato and cauliflower seedlings, onion sets, carrot and radish seeds, and a jalapeño seedling. Now I’ve got my early evening writing setup on the deck: a handwoven shawl that I got in Mexico that is the perfect weight and thickness clipped to our table umbrella to block out the sun. Lovely, no?